Play door games, read current Message Networks, play our custom ACCESS DENIED!! hack and tons more! Checkout ANSiStory, the history of ANSI art.. download from our VAST collection of DOSBox games and other retro software.. Get everything you need to know about accessing BBSes in 2021.. so much. All on a Pi 4.MORE SOCIAL, less media; I’ll help any Pi user setup/run their own BBS… just email Paulie420 on 2o fOr beeRS.

The BBS is the same as it was in 1992 when it first started. We have the original user database, the same conferences
and file areas. This is a nostalgic hyper-trip! Connect today and enter this time capsule. Old users will be happy to continue where they left off in the late90’s.When you connect to the BBS you are directly in touch with the old ANSI styled look and feel of how things were
back in the days. You will love to see the layout and those familiar retrocolors again.

This is an internet-based BBS (bulletin board system), much like the kind one would connect to via dial-up during the ’80s and ’90s before the internet became mainstream. Bulletin boards were a fun, popular way for users to connect, post messages, download files, and play online games.

Dedicated to C-Net. Running the latest C-Net Amiga Pro, C-Net DS-2 and C-Net 128 bulletin Board Systems. Our first BBS went up in 1991-1993 / 2010-PresentNostalgia HQ

C-Net. The oldest Commodore BBS Software
still being developed today!

Powered by the Commodore Buisness Machine.

Been running for years

RSBBS has a medieval feel to it and is highly customized to bring a unique experience. See if you have what it takes to become a Champion on the BBS ranking system!

We hope you enjoy the BBS!Sysops: Booch, Kernelpanic and Syntax Error

My original bbs when I went full time on line is a Wildcat named the Prison Board BBS,  Since that time I have tried a number of bbs software and today I have settled on setting up a number of them using different bbs software. Today there are almost none in existence of dial up bbs, still very popular overseas, but here in the USA telnet is the way to go.  The number at the end is the port number the bbs is on.  If you know about telnet, then you will know about port number and input into your telnet software.  Recommened software to use are NetRunner and Syncterm. Both of these links are for Windows Operating Systems.  If you are a novice and want to download a telnet client but need help I will be glad to assist for free

Been running for years